Start here to learn more about the purpose of CodefyPHP, what you need to have setup for your server environment, and how to install the framework.
All configuration files for the CodefyPHP Framework are stored in the config directory. These config files allow you to configure security, your database, caching, cookies,...
Qubus\Http\Request, Qubus\Http\Response, and Qubus\Http\ServerRequest are all wrappers for laminas-diactoros.
CodefyPHP comes with two ways to work with sessions. You can work with native PHP sessions or a session abstraction for PSR-7 with option of...
The Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) component provides role-based authorization abstraction for the CodefyPHP Framework.
The name Codefy is a derivative of the word codify which means to arrange into a systematic code according to a plan or system.
Your server environment must meet certain criteria before you can use CodefyPHP.
The easiest way to install CodefyPHP is to use composer by creating a new project using the current stable branch of the skeleton app starter.
Codex is the command line interface for CodefyPHP. It provides a few native commands to get you started building your first project.
Service providers are used to bootstrap your application with the injection of core classes and dependencies.
An alternative way of defining request logic in a route is by organizing it by utilizing Controllers.
A PSR-7/15 Middleware can be added to routes, groups, and controllers.
Scaffold contains two templating engines to make it easier to use what you need for any project. One is Scaffold:Native while the other is Scaffold:Compiler.
The scheduler allows you to manage scheduled tasks on your server. You can define your schedule for each task that is triggered by a single...
Stubs are available for controllers, repositories, providers, middlewares, and errors.