CodefyPHP v1.0.0 Is Here

CodefyPHP v1.0.0 Is Here

After 3 years of working on and off, CodefyPHP, A Domain-Driven Framework is finally here. CodefyPHP was made especially for complex applications that need Domain-Driven Design, CQRS and Event Sourcing.

The name Codefy is a derivative of the word codify which means to arrange into a systematic code according to a plan or system. This is the purpose of CodefyPHP as it pertains to Domain-Driven Design, ubiquitous language and complex applications.

The first version is dedicated to Eric Evans who is the brain and thought leader behind Domain-Driven Design. CodefyPHP is not only for DDD, but for any size project. It contains a set a great features:

  • A powerful routing engine
  • Robust dependency injector for bootstrapping
  • Adapters for cookies, sessions and cache storage
  • Provides a simple hook and event system without affecting core code
  • Encourages object-oriented programming
  • Multiple PSR implementations
  • Dual query builders with migrations
  • Scheduler for scheduling tasks/jobs
  • Security and sanitizing helpers
  • Dual templating engines

You can check out the project on Github. If you are using it, please let me know what type of project you are using it for. Also, I am happy to hear suggestions for improvement or you can submit pull requests. If you need help, you can post to the forum or create a discussion on Github.

Last Updated on October 1, 2023 by Joshua